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nab 2002  


rhapsody in blue  
�Rhapsody in Blue� Is it possible to see the music? Can a musical harmony be transferred into an equivalent dynamic visual flow? ... [more]

st petersburg 5th chanel 1995  
1995-1999 for State TV&Radio Company Russia
Petersburg - 5th Channel, one of the largest TV Channels in Russia, broadcasting to the entire country. It has more then 70 millions of viewers. ... [more]

st petersburg 5th chanel 1996  
1996-1997 for State TV&Radio Company Russia
Petersburg - 5th Channel full chanel identity packege

st petersburg 5th chanel 1998  
1997-1998 for State TV&Radio Company Russia
Petersburg - 5th Channel full chanel identity packege

petshopboys survivors  
1999-2000 for Pet Shop Boys london UK
Like no other musical group in the world Pet Shop Boys in their music, video and performances close to our vision of digital art. ... [more]



chehon tv  
1996-1997 for �Troitsky Bridge� movie studio St-Petersburg
It was a great honor and truly enjoyable experience to work with, a famous master of screen Igor F Maslennicov. ... [more]

kino plus  
1998-1999 for State TV Radio Company Russia "Cinema Plus" TV design package.

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