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rhapsody in blue  
�Rhapsody in Blue� Is it possible to see the music? Can a musical harmony be transferred into an equivalent dynamic visual flow?
Well, we are obviously not the first and probably not the last people who turned to this question. People have been trying to represent music in static artworks or animation since the beginning of music. We believe that contemporary Computer Graphics can bring it to a completely new level.

The main idea is not to illustrate music but to create an animation which would represent the logic of musical score itself.

While this work is a computer graphic experiment we also see it as a certain cultural bridge.
Beginning of the 20th century was the beginning of all new synthetic genres.
We are under great influence of that time and people like Stravinsky, Malevich, Tatlin, and Gershwin. The visual style of this video clip was affected by artworks of modernists of the 20th century.

Where we at?
We are planning to present this work on SGGRAPH 2003.
Currently we have about 25% of animation done plus lots of episodes are in progress. We fill that it is too early to show any animation at this point but here are some static artworks from the first part.
Please come by soon to take a look at more materials.

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